The Center for Language Learning, University of Southern Denmark, is organising the 15. Nordiske Symposium om Børnesprog [15th Nordic Symposium on Child Language]. The symposium will take place at the University of Southern Denmark from May 23-24, 2018. The symposium is an interdisciplinary meeting place for researchers and practitioners within the fields of speech and language therapy, linguistics, psychology, and other professionals with an interest in child language. The symposium will cover a variety of themes related to child language acquisition and general learning in school, for example:
- the relationship between language development in the preschool years and later acquisition of written language/reading skills
- the influence of persistent language difficulties on the acquisition of written language/reading skills
- bilingual children’s acquisition of written language/reading skills
- deaf and hearing impaired children’s acquisition of written language/reading skills
Invited plenary speakers:
Birgitta Sahlén, University of Lund, Sweden: “Communicative and linguistic development in hearing impaired children – in a Nordic perspective”
Vibeke Grøver, University of Oslo, Norway: “Bilingual children in school – in a Nordic perspective”
Carsten Elbro, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: “Known and less known linguistic prerequisite for reading – in a Nordic perspective”
Find more information of the symposium website: