Two new papers published in JESLA

EuroSLA is delighted to announce the publication of two new papers in JESLA ( Rankin, T., & Wagner, T. (2023). The acquisition of the negative polarity item any in L2 English by L1 German speakers. Journal of the European Second Language Association, 7(1), 46–59. DOI:   Rood, M. M. S. J., & de Jong, N. … Continue reading Two new papers published in JESLA

EuroSLA Executive Committee Elections 2023

The next EUROSLA Executive Committee elections will be held during our Conference in Birmingham, UK 2023. Our constitution states that ‘officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for two years, and the tenure of executive officers shall be maximally two terms’. The present Executive Committee was elected two years ago in Barcelona, and nominations are therefore invited now for all positions.    The … Continue reading EuroSLA Executive Committee Elections 2023

Call for papers: Pluri/Multilingual Education

Call for papers: Pluri/Multilingual Education Vol. 14, Issue 3 (Year 2024) Issue Editors: Karmen Pižorn and Andreja Retelj In recent decades, there has been growing interest in the pluri/multilingual learner’s language repertoire and foreign language learning. Multilingual learners use their linguistic repertoire and cultural knowledge in everyday life and interact fluidly with others and with … Continue reading Call for papers: Pluri/Multilingual Education

New JESLA paper: Dewaele & Maftah (2023)

We are pleased that a new JESLA paper is now available to read: Dewaele, J.-M., & Meftah, R. (2023). The Trajectory of English Foreign Learners’ Emotions and Motivation from the Start to the End of their Learning Journey: A Pseudo-Longitudinal Investigation. Journal of the European Second Language Association, 7(1), 16–30. DOI:

Next EuroSLA ECR Webinar 26 May

Dear EuroSLA Community, Following on from our last successful webinar for Early Career Researchers in February, we are now looking forward to our next one, including information on how to get your work published. Feel free to share widely. The webinar will be on May 26th, 2023 at 12 noon UK time – click on this time link to convert to your local time.   … Continue reading Next EuroSLA ECR Webinar 26 May

Early bird deadline for EuroSLA 32 approaching!

It is almost time to prepare for the EuroSLA 32 Conference this summer. The organizers have put together a wonderful academic and social program for all to enjoy. And there is still time to register and enjoy the Early Bird registration rates. Are you planning to join EuroSLA 32 but haven’t registered for the Conference yet? There’s no better … Continue reading Early bird deadline for EuroSLA 32 approaching!

EuroSLA Distinguished Scholar Award 2023 goes to Paul Meara

EuroSLA EC is delighted to announce that this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award will be Professor Paul Meara. Paul’s award recognises his lasting scholarly contribution to SLA research as an inspirational and supportive leader to generations of SLA and vocabulary researchers. He created and maintains the Lognostics website, which includes the largest freely available … Continue reading EuroSLA Distinguished Scholar Award 2023 goes to Paul Meara