
Call for papers EuroSLA 27

Dear all The Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM) at the University of Reading (UK) is inviting proposals for presentations at Eurosla 27 which will take place from 30th August until 2nd September, 2017. All areas and approaches to the study of bilingual, second/foreign/ multiple additional language learning, acquisition and processing are welcome.  The conference … Continue reading Call for papers EuroSLA 27

Invitation to submit to EuroSLA’s new journal

Following consultation with members via an on-line survey and at the 2016 EuroSLA AGM in Jyväskylä, Finland, we are very pleased to announce that the first issue of the Yearbook’s successor, the Journal of the European Second Language Association (JESLA), is scheduled for summer 2017. Submissions are invited from among the plenary, paper, PhD paper … Continue reading Invitation to submit to EuroSLA’s new journal

Seminar “Generative Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching”

The Centre for Applied Research and Outreach in Language Education (CAROLE) at the University of Greenwich is hosting a free one-day seminar, on “Generative Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching” moving from theory to implications for teaching, via experimental methods. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars with different orientations within … Continue reading Seminar “Generative Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching”

2nd Call for Papers: 7th International Conference on Task-based language teaching (TBLT 2017), University of Barcelona, Spain

We are calling for proposals for the 7th TBLT Conference “Tasks in Context” that will take place at the University of Barcelona from April 19-21, 2017. Submissions are invited for individual papers, show and tell, workshops and colloquia. Types of submissions and guidelines Individual papers (20 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes Q&A) and show … Continue reading 2nd Call for Papers: 7th International Conference on Task-based language teaching (TBLT 2017), University of Barcelona, Spain


We are pleased to announce the symposium Learning, teaching and assessment of second foreign languages in school contexts. [Moderna språk – samspelet mellan lärande, undervisning och bedömning i skolan.] which will be held at Lund university, Sweden, on December 12-13, 2016. The symposium is organized within the realms of the ongoing project Learning, Teaching and … Continue reading CALL FOR PAPERS – SYMPOSIUM ON SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN SCHOOL CONTEXTS

Symposium on Multimodal Input and Second Language Learning

University of Barcelona, November 10-11, 2016   First call for posters We welcome abstracts for posters on any area of SLA dealing with subtitling and reading while listening. A submission should include a title and an abstract (200 words maximum, excluding references). Name, affiliation, and email address should be provided on a separate page. The … Continue reading Symposium on Multimodal Input and Second Language Learning

7th International Conference on Task-based language teaching

TBLT 2017 University of Barcelona, Spain Call for Papers We are calling for proposals for the 7th TBLT Conference “Tasks in Context” that will take place at the University of Barcelona from April 19-21, 2017. Submissions are invited for individual papers (20 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes Q&A, 300-word abstract), show and tell (10-minute … Continue reading 7th International Conference on Task-based language teaching

Call for book chapters

Contributions are invited for an edited volume on The Englishisation of Education in Europe in Public Discourses:  Critical Discourse Approaches  to be submitted to Benjamins book series: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture The teaching of English in Europe, and delivery of entire University programmes in English, have seen unprecedented acceleration since the Bologna declaration … Continue reading Call for book chapters

Interdisciplinary perspectives on code-switching: Call for papers

CALL FOR PAPERS Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Code-Switching University of Cambridge, 3rd-4th October 2016 Main speakers: Margaret Deuchar (University of Cambridge) David Green (University College London) Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University) Research on code-switching was the province of specialists in linguistics alone in the latter part of the twentieth century, and is still a valuable source of … Continue reading Interdisciplinary perspectives on code-switching: Call for papers