This kit (updated Dec 2016) is a collection of items that have proved useful to previous organisers of the EUROSLA conference. The items range from checklists of things to consider in the planning all the way to templates for documents such as letters of invitation, a typical budget, etc. Most items are meant to serve as starting points, memory aids or reminders for the organisers rather than as absolute templates.
The EUROSLA Executive committee welcomes updates and modifications to the Kit.
Table of Contents for the EUROSLA Conference Preparation Kit
A Master folder is kept with the President (cf. Executive meeting, Feb. 2000, Paris).
• FAQs
• Checklist for conference organisation
• Sample planner
• Call for papers incl. doctoral workshop and posters
• Abstract evaluation forms
• Poster preparation checklist (Nov. 2004)
• Eurosla student stipends (procedure and evaluation sheet)
Other docs available on request:
-Example budget
-Volunteer duties
-Conference registration form
-Doctoral Workshop invitation and guidance template for discussants
-Abstract booklet template (Basel 2002)
-Letters (letters of acceptance/rejection/standby templates, letter of welcome for conference map, invitations to plenaries)
-Meals, name tags, receipts (templates for mealtickets, name tags, certificate of participation/official receipt)
-Chair kit (instructions to chair people, and chair kit)
-Publishers (list of contact people publishers, updated 2002)
-Instructions to reviewers and review kit (papers)
-Evaluation form for conference
-Accommodation examples