Eurosla 20


     20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association



Call for papers



The 20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association will be organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia at Reggio Emilia, Italy. The Conference will open in the morning of 2nd September 2010 and close at lunch time of 4th September. Preceding the Conference, on 1st September, a Doctoral Workshop will take place in the morning, and the Language Learning Roundtable in the afternoon.




Constructs in Second Language Acquisition Research




J. Charles Alderson, University of Lancaster, UK

Camilla Bettoni, University of Verona, Italy

John M. Norris, University of Hawai‘i at Mânoa, USA

Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh, UK



Proposals for papers, posters, and thematic colloquia are invited on all areas of second language acquisition research. The conference theme is primarily a thread for plenary talks; other presenters are invited, but not obliged, to reflect on issues of construct definition, operationalization and measurement. Abstracts will be rated regardless of their relevance to the conference theme.

The papers and posters must not have been previously published.

Each author may submit no more than one individual and one co-authored abstract.

All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee and evaluated in terms of originality, clarity, and significance of findings and conclusions.

All submissions will be promptly confirmed by e-mail.





Papers will be 30 minutes: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 for discussion.

Posters are intended as a format for reports on work in progress.


Submissions for papers and posters should include the following (in this order):

1.  name and affiliation of the author(s);

2.  first author's e-mail address;

3.  type of presentation intended: please indicate whether a paper or a poster;

4.  the broad thematic areas in SLA research which best describe your abstract among the following (please list 2-3 keywords): Theories and methods; Universal Grammar, Functionalism; Processing approaches; Interactionist approaches; Lexicon; Grammar; Phonology; Reading; Writing, Listening; Speaking; Language attrition; Instructed SLA; Psycholinguistics and SLA; Neurolinguistics and SLA; Social context and SLA; L2 use; Cross-linguistic influence; Individual differences; Age effects and ultimate attainment; Others (please specify). The sole purpose of this indication is that it will assist in distributing the abstracts among suitable evaluators;

5.  title of the paper;

6.  abstract (max 300 words, excluding references and title).





These will take place in three-hour slots in parallel to other sessions. A colloquium will focus on one specific topic, and will bring together key contributions to the topic.


Submissions for thematic colloquia should include the following (in this order):

1.  name and affiliation of the convener(s),

2.  first convener's e-mail address,

3.  type of presentation intended: please indicate ‘Thematic colloquium’;

4.  the broad thematic areas in SLA research which best describe your abstract among the following (please list 2-3 keywords): Theories and methods; Universal Grammar, Functionalism; Processing approaches; Interactionist approaches; Lexicon; Grammar; Phonology; Reading; Writing, Listening; Speaking; Language attrition; Instructed SLA; Psycholinguistics and SLA; Neurolinguistics and SLA; Social context and SLA; L2 use; Cross-linguistic influence; Individual differences; Age effects and ultimate attainment; Others (please specify). The sole purpose of this indication is that it will assist in distributing the abstracts among suitable evaluators;

5.  title of the colloquium;

6.  abstract explaining the rationale of the colloquium (max 300 words, excluding references and title);

7.  abstracts of the individual presentations, preceded by names of authors and their affiliations (max 300 words, excluding references and title).





This is intended to serve as a platform for the discussion of ongoing PhD research on any aspect of SLA. PhD students are invited to submit an abstract of a 15 minute presentation focusing on theoretical or methodological issues. Three weeks before the conference, students will be required to send their presentation to a discussant (a senior researcher), who will lead a 15 minute feedback/discussion session on their work.


Submissions for the Doctoral Student Workshop should include the following (in this order):

1.  name and affiliation of the author;

2.  author’s e-mail address;

3.  the broad thematic areas in SLA research which best describe your abstract among the following (please list 2-3 keywords): Theories and methods; Universal Grammar, Functionalism; Processing approaches; Interactionist approaches; Lexicon; Grammar; Phonology; Reading; Writing, Listening; Speaking; Language attrition; Instructed SLA;  Psycholinguistics and SLA; Neurolinguistics and SLA; Social context and SLA; L2 use; Cross-linguistic influence; Individual differences; Age effects and ultimate attainment; Others (please specify). The sole purpose of this indication is that it will assist in distributing the abstracts among suitable evaluators;

4.  title of the paper;

5.  abstract (max 300 words, excluding references and title).





Five stipends of 200 euros each will be available for doctoral students.

When submitting your abstract please indicate in the email body that you wish to apply for a stipend, and include  the following information:

1.  name, institution, address of institution;

2.  curriculum vitae (attached);

3.  status as Eurosla member (i.e., number of years you've been a member), and the number of Eurosla conferences attended;

5.  official confirmation of being a PhD student;

6.  statement from supervisor or head of Department that the applicant’s institution cannot (fully) cover the conference related expenses. (It is not necessary to attach any official documents, you will show them at the conference when registering as a student.)





Following the EUROSLA association policy, EUROSLA 2010 will be a multilingual conference. Presentation in any European language is acceptable. However, abstracts must be written in English.





A selection of papers presented at Eurosla 2010 will be included in the EUROSLA Yearbook.






Please send all submissions to:


Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2010

Notifications of acceptance by: 15 April 2010






Call for papers


Plenary speakers


Doctoral workshop


LL roundtable








Conference venue


Getting there



